There is nothing quite like Gary, Indiana, during the holidays. Lots of people enjoy visiting Lake Street Beach, the Aquatorium, and even the Marquette Park Pavilion, which is one of the most popular locations for special events.
Recently, the local Hard Rock Casino, located on the South Shore of Lake Michigan, decided to get into the holiday spirit with some major upgrades. This included adding The Keg Lifter, which can save a significant amount of time and money, particularly when bars are busy during the holiday season.
Hard Rock Casino Is an Internationally Renowned Brand
Hard Rock Casino was one of the most popular locations to shop, dine, and party. It is one of the most globally recognized brands in the world, and it has venues in more than 74 countries. With a large line of cafes, casinos, and hotels, Hard Rock has become synonymous with entertainment.
Many people enjoy shopping at Hard Rock because it offers collectible fashion and merchandise related to some of the most famous music artists in the world. Furthermore, Hard Rock Cafes provide a unique dining experience and an unparalleled menu that everyone can enjoy. Of course, hard rock also puts on some live performances from time to time, making it a great place to spend the night out with family members and friends. Hard Rock is particularly popular during the holiday season, with numerous celebrations taking place across the country.
The Hard Rock Cafe in Northern Indiana is no different. Located at 5400 West 29th Ave, Gary, IN 46406, this cafe anticipated having a crowd during the holidays, and that is why keg lifters had to be installed.
The Keg Lifter Is The Best Solution For Beer Coolers

It is critical for bars to find a cost-effective, efficient way to handle kegs, particularly given the rush during the holidays. Some keg lifters are too large to maneuver effectively, while others have a left that requires the keg to remain off the floor. Now, The Keg Lifter from Cooler Concepts solve all of these issues.
The Keg Lifter from Cooler Concepts has a small footprint. With a turning radius of only 18 inches, these keg lifters can be used in the tightest of spaces, ensuring that everyone working in the bar or restaurant still has plenty of room to maneuver.
Of course, these keg lifters are also incredibly powerful. They come with standard locking rear casters, reducing the chances of someone losing control of the lifter, and they can lift a maximum of 175 pounds. That makes this keg lifter a versatile choice.

Furthermore, there is no need to crank anything to get the keg to the shelf. These keg lifters even come with an electric drill that makes it as easy as possible for users to handle lifts up to 45 inches off the ground.
As the iconic Hard Rock Casino in Northern Indiana has discovered, keg lifters can make these issues a thing of the past. With the ability to quickly and efficiently store and swap kegs, Hard Rock can ensure it is in the best position possible to meet the needs of its customers.