Getting Bars And Restaurants Ready For Drinksgiving

Thanksgiving is right around the corner, which means it's time for Drinksgiving. With many people traveling back to their hometowns or to visit relatives, spending time with friends and family in a local bar has become a tradition. But bars and restaurants need to make sure they're prepared for the crowds that are sure to show up. 

History of Drinksgiving

The day before Thanksgiving is often called Drinksgiving because it is one of the biggest drinking days of the year. Because so many people go home for Thanksgiving to spend time with family members, this is also a great opportunity to meet up with old friends. Plenty of other people simply want to get out of the house, as they know they will be spending all of Thanksgiving with their family tomorrow. 

Bars and restaurants are often incredibly crowded the night before Thanksgiving, so they must make sure they are prepared for the surge. This means ensuring they have enough beer and wine on tap to maximize their revenue, keep their patrons happy, and take advantage of the special occasion. 

Be Prepared with Beer Math

Multiple studies have been published that indicate people drink significantly more during the holidays. There are more days off from work, and people are spending time with their family members and friends, so there are lots of opportunities to relax. When all of this is combined with holiday parties, social functions, and dinners out, adults tend to consume more beer and wine, particularly during Thanksgiving. 

Restaurant owners and bar managers need to be prepared for this increased consumption. With a massive increase in beer drinking during the holiday season, owners and managers must be prepared with enough kegs of beer. While this means being prepared for Drinksgiving, owners and managers should not forget about the weekend after Thanksgiving as well. Many people wait until Sunday to return home, so there are still plenty of opportunities to hang out and drink with family members and friends, particularly on Black Friday. 

This is an amazing opportunity for increased sales and customer satisfaction, but no patron wants their favorite beer to go dry. Having enough beer can make or break a holiday weekend, and Beer Math can help with this.

Developed to ensure bars and restaurants always have their most popular beer choices available, Beer Math helps eliminate the chances of the beer running dry without overstocking inventory that people aren't purchasing.

By determining how many ounces of beer are poured at the most popular times and how many beers are on tap, Beer Math, in addition to maximizing storage space in a beer walk-in cooler, sets bars, restaurants, and hotels up for success during the holiday season. 

Find out if you're stocking enough of your patron's favorites by taking our Beer Math quiz!

Cooler Concepts Beer Math Call To Action

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