Walk-in cooler shelving helps with organization, safety, and cleanliness. One area often overlooked and skimped on is shelving. Having the right shelving is imperative in making sure it stands up to the weight of kegs and cases. So which material is better? Steel or aluminum?
Steel vs Aluminum
When given the choice between using steel or aluminum walk-in shelving, many businesses will choose aluminum because it's a cheaper immediate option. While that's an immediate cost-effective solution, is it a good long-term business decision?
While aluminum shelving is a quick way to get shelving into a walk-in, it might lean and buckle under the weight of kegs, and other items stored on the shelves. The weight weakens the shelves, causing items to fall off and possibly causing injury to staff. Aluminum shelving also needs to be replaced every several years to prevent the incidents above. Causing extra spending that might come when it's least expected.

Steel shelving is better than aluminum for several reasons. The weight of a full keg weighs 165 pounds and an empty one weighs 30 pounds. The amount of force that occurs with rotation and storage will cause aluminum shelves to break apart. Because of that and corrosion, aluminum shelves typically have to be replaced every four to five years.
Can Steel Shelving Save Money?
If you're using the right kind of steel shelving, the answer is yes. Shelving from Cooler Concepts is made from hot-rolled, structural steel. Rated at 125 pounds per square foot, each unit is welded, clean, and tested before having a hot galvanized finish applied. Protecting it from rust and deterioration. This special treatment ensures that shelving from Cooler Concepts will stand the test of time. In fact, we've never had a warranty claim placed with us in the 29 years we've been in business. Because our shelves are built to last so hotels, restaurants, casinos, and bars don't have to replace them every few years, this means your shelves are tough and will always have plenty of beer and drinks stored to help serve your customers.
The Safest & Most Durable Shelving In The Industry
Having shelving that is strong enough to hold kegs, cases of beer and wine is a safety issue. Cooler Concepts shelves are the lowest height in the industry, made of welded steel construction for strength, and have a welded keg stop to ensure the kegs stay in place. Helping keep kegs in place and keep staff safe. In 28 years of doing countless projects in pubs, restaurants, and arenas across the country, Cooler Concepts has received a total of zero warranty claims. Our shelves are built to last. Guaranteed.
Ready to install the best shelving in the business? Take our cooler customization analysis below to get started.